Dear Christians, may we proclaim truth from God and not pollute our churches and lives with traditions of man. May we not try to attract attention to ourselves rather than following the Truth found in John 3:30.
May we stop with the branding of our churches, the competing with other Gospel-teaching churches, and not be obsessed with marketing for Easter Sunday rather we should trust in the Maker of Heaven and Earth.
Yes we invite people to a church gathering to hear the Gospel. It is vitally important for them to hear the good news of Jesus Christ! But seeing churches compete for the biggest crowds is nauseating.
God grows His church in His providence and we are responsible to introduce the lost to Jesus as Christians.
May we not see the amount of people on a check list as good for our pride but value the souls in the chairs tomorrow morning.
I recently, hopefully encouraged the local leaders of the church I am a member of with this message
"I firmly believe that, based off the Bible, God wants His people debt-free. So may God use and multiply our church's debt-free resources that we have prayed for, to focus on local and global evangelism, discipleship, and worship. I love and pray for you dear leaders of our church to live a life devoted to knowing, loving, and obeying God in all your ways."
This Sunday's "success" is not dependent on our obedience and the sovereign good Will of God, but those two things ARE the success we pursue. I love you Brothers dearly, Grace and Peace be with you. Matthew 5:16;28:16-20
Soli Deo Gloria.
Jehovah Has Remembered: Where Theology meets Life :
"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. He looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like.But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.."-James 22-25
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Saturday, March 3, 2018
Don't go to Church tomorrow. (Part 1 of Church misconceptions)
I will start by saying that based on the entire New Testament every believer should be a committed member of a local Church body of a Bible-preaching, Gospel, and God-loving people, and then attend as regularly as they can. Yes, including tomorrow.
Here is something that may be a surprise to many there is NO COMMAND or even mild instructions from God in the New Testament to build, renovate, or purchase any buildings for the church. Check it out, read the New Testament and do a word search for the times the New Testament refers to buildings.
Here are a few verses that might help explain the primary content of this blog.
For we are God's fellow workers. You are God's field, God's building. - 1 Corinthians 3:9
For we know that if the tent that is our earthly home is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. - 2 Corinthians 5:1
But check the Word of God, under the NT covenant, a certain building or inviting lost people to Jesus Christ is strictly not mentioned and never prescribed.
I believe it is entirely unnecessary for Americans to ever renovate, and even in some situations build a new place at all as the church for the reason of making it seeker-sensitive, more inviting, or easy on the eyes.
If a church already owns a building, it is vitality important to have everything up to codes by law and safe in all ways for the Church (remember the people), that attend the building, to meet as commanded.
TBH (a way cool kids say to be Honest) the word "renovation" makes me cringe. I physically tense up when it is brought up in this context.
Especially since we build these big buildings bigger and more resource-draining constantly when there are people at this very minute starving to death all over the world, hideously malnourished and should be of greater priority. We must see, that the Bible DOES in fact COMMAND the church to look after the orphans, widows, poor, sick and the weak.
"The church of Jesus is concerned with all suffering, especially eternal suffering."-John Piper
Since God has commanded the saints to work hard and help where we can, the Church people in part meet every week to encourage and equip each other to do everything in our power to alleviate these dear unsaved souls(which is simply by making disciples of all nations) and their body's temporary yet tragic, suffering that happens all the time.
So don't go to Church tomorrow, but absolutely go to wherever the local church you are a serving at, gathers to worship in your community.
Consider the following: Hebrews 10:23-25
Hebrews 10:23-25 English Standard Version (ESV)
23 "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."
If you believe I am wrong (which I often am, very often, unfortunately, I'd like a "chapter and verse" dear brothers and sisters.) let me know with love and gentleness please, for that pleases the Lord, in the comments. Subscribe for assurance of being notified of when my next "Church Misceptions" posts and other topical posts of this nature comes out.
Monday, February 19, 2018
A very Special PSA for a Very Special Event. My Sister is doing something exciting...!
Where the Arts meets Gospel missions is one mighty accurate way to describe the "Curtain and Lights Theatere Company". This company is driven by the Sword of the Spirit (the Holy Bible), motivated by genuine compassion and desire for missions work locally and globally ,empowered by the Grace and Spirit of God Himself!
Jesus spoke through Paul to the Corinthians and to us today that ..whatever you do, do so to the glory of God" (see 1 Cor. 10:31)
My sister's, as is her theatere company, as is to know, love and obey God more every day for the glory of God in all nations.
Below is the all the information straight form Heather herself, as a guest blogger today,you need to know to see and experience her next show!
"Join us for our upcoming Concert Series:
“Songs of the Stage and Screen”
A collection of songs from Classic Broadway Musicals and Hollywood Films.
Featuring Songs from: Mary Poppins, Frozen, Mulan, Little Women the Musical, The Little Mermaid, Hercules, The Sound of Music, The Wizard of Oz, Beauty and the Beast, and More!
Starring Nathan Johnson, Jackson McDaniel, Conner McDaniel, Katelyn McDaniel, Grayson Fink, Regan Fink, Jaelyn Fink, Becky Glenn, Kristin Glenn, and Heather Anderson.
Hosted by Brittany Heflin Cortez
Directed by Heather Anderson
Performance Dates:
Thursday February 22nd at 6:30 PM
Friday February 23rd at 6:30 PM
Venue: The Stephenson Chapel at First Baptist Church Decatur, Alabama
Tickets: $12.00
Proceeds will fund our upcoming Summer 2018 production of Annie the Musical which will benifit the Alabama Children's Home."
Thursday, February 8, 2018
When a mentor and dear friend dies: Brother Larry Rutledge (1941-2018)
I never understood why at baby dedications, they would say "stand if you promise to help raise this baby and guide them in the Word and in good works". The reason that made me question this practice? It was due to only the parents are in the homes and they are the ones who raise children, not this big group of people who are standing and will possibly never talk to that baby as they grow up.
That is up until Brother Larry Rutledge died Tuesday 2/30/18 at the age of 72. As much as any person can know about another*, I believe he was a born-again Christian.The Bible says we will know them by their fruits. Well, Mister Rutledge was fruitful.
The misunderstanding of the baby dedication, changed for me right then.
I then realized that Larry Rutledge had helped raised me.
As soon as I read on Facebook at 5am Wednesday morning, that I realized something quite spectacular about a great number of people who are also members of the local church.
During grade school at church, Larry Rutledge was one of the RA teachers taught me about missions, the Bible, and the missionary David Livingstone. For as long as I can remember Larry Rutledge would talk to me in kindness and truth. Finally Brother Larry Rutledge lived worthy of the Gospel and in all ways above reproach. In a way that all who knew him noticed.
Just like the people who stand and vow at baby dedications, Mr. Larry helped raised me in the faith. He wasn’t sinless but I full heartedly believe that my dear friend did repent and believe in the Sinless one!
If Larry were still alive today he would agree and proclaim that, God created man in good relationship with God and sin marred that for all of us through Adam's fall. Then Larry would remind us, I believe that while hell is for all who sin, God made a way to avoid Hell and be most importantly have a restored relationship with God. For God so loved the world, that Jesus became sin on the Cross, that while we are still sinners Christ died for us. While death came through Adam how much more so would many be saved through the only Way, Jesus Himself. Who said that in order to be truly born-again Christians, individuals must Repent and Believe the Gospel.
*No one can know for absolute certain if someone is a Christian, and we should never do God's work, in declaring someone saved. It is always between the individual in need of grace and God, the giver of Grace whether or not someone is a believer.
Monday, February 5, 2018
TIME IS RUNNING SHORT "Rush of Fools" for the Glory of God.
"God is a very independent, self-sustaining God. We can write out our map, our journey of what we want to do with our lives, but God is above all of that," ... “Our encouragement would be to seek first His kingdom as a believer and that His plans and His ways are higher."-Kevin Huguley vocals, guitar for Rush of Fools. [1]
They have a goal to go full-throttle with three exciting and unprecedented content/experiences with this campaign:
- Brand New Music from Rush of Fools!
- Video Content, 24 new music videos!
- Something I have never heard of but am stoked about, it's called a "digital backstage pass" (see link for info on all this is!
The truth of God should lead the believer to genuine praise and reverent worship of thanksgiving and proclamation of what we know to be true of the God of the Bible.
With many bands, it, unfortunately, seems that they seem to sacrifice either theologically sound content or the sound of heartfelt emotion.
In steps, some Fools who from the songs I know and the research I have done I see a band that clings to the truth of the Bible as supreme (Acts 17:11) and that truth leads them to songs of joyfully and seriously worshipping the King of Glory.
The Band "Rush of Fools" is obviously who I am referring to in this moment. Their name originated from Scripture and their content saturated with the faithful truth about God, humans, and why we are hopeless and helpless apart from Jesus.
The truth of God should lead the believer to genuine praise and reverent worship of thanksgiving and proclamation of what we know to be true of the God of the Bible.
1 Corinthians 1:26-31
They are not the first Fools to trust in Jesus in music and they won't be the last, praise the Lord. For someday all of those this world thought foolish for repenting and believing in a Savior who died and rose from the dead, will all be singing around His throne in Heaven forever and ever! I suggest going and reading Revelation 7, 21, and 22 the telling of what the finished work of the Great Commission will be like in Heaven.
"... It’s this redemption that empowers and encourages us to continue as a band. ...Our story isn’t over; it will continue to be molded and shaped. As we look forward, we remember this lyric: “…all our yesterdays and all of our tomorrows are held in Your hands”. We’ve experienced it firsthand. It's Jesus that carries us and becomes the Hero of our story. The hands of Jesus that carried the cross to His death are the very hands that carry us now. And that’s the story we live to tell." [2].
Let me, the author of this blog (Zack), as a fellow believer in Christ simply echo three things that Rush of Fools is radically vocal about in a world of seemingly uncertain of anything at all.
• The Joy and Seriousness of knowing God Himself through the Gospel of Jesus the Christ as revealed in Scripture alone. And declaring this good news to a world in need. (See John 3:16-21; 1 Timothy 2:5-6...Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 1:14-15; Romans 1:16) An accurate summary presentation statement of what the Bible is by a well- known preacher and sender of missionaries:
[3]."The gospel is the good news that the only true God, the just and gracious Creator of the universe, has looked upon hopelessly sinful men and women and has sent his Son, God in the flesh, to bear his wrath against sin through his substitutionary death on the cross and to show his power over sin and death through his resurrection from the grave so that everyone who turns from their sin and themselves and trusts in Jesus alone as Savior and Lord will be reconciled to God forever." -Posted on the web at IMB (The International Mission Board)
•As Christians, there is great value in being transparent about the fact that we are sinners too. One of the most common complaints and oppositions to "Christianity" is that it is filled with hypocrites.
So to answer many individuals valid questions, if we all sin what makes Christians any different, from say, the person of any other religion (or supposed non-religion)?
Simply put, God does.
For it is by the overwhelming Grace of God Himself that we have been saved through faith, and this is not of our own doing, so there is no room for bragging or looking down on other sinners who need Jesus just as much as we Christians still do.
Rush of Fools band, songs, and interviews I have been watching here of late display their belief in the Bible's clear teaching that while we are still sinners, evil at heart, opposed to God, there is a Way to be reconciled to God. In fact, the Way has a Name, and His Name is Jesus, God Himself in the form of man.
John 14:5-6 says: Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
John 14:5-6 says: Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
So Jesus makes the difference between being dead in our sin and being alive in Christ Jesus the ruler of Heaven and Earth. God made Jesus who never sinned to become sin on the Cross to take the punishment for sinners so that, sinners as we are, might become the righteousness of God!
u God convicts, calls, and ultimately converts men unto Himself.
uWe are to humble ourselves and Repent of our Sins and Believe solely on the atoning work of Jesus Christ.
I end with this, the Gospel is the only way and one way to support the Gospel going to the Ends of the Earth is by giving to this rare opportunity with these men who are serious about Jesus and His Word.
Links and quotes..................................................................................................................................................
[1] Quote from a CBN news Article from video called Rush of Fools: An Overnight Sensation"
Watch 'Rush of Fools: An Overnight Sensation' on[as well as gain access to the short video's (3:11) full transcript]
[2] QUOTES FROM THE ABOUT THE BAND section online on their website right HERE
[3]. Dr. David Platt: IMB President, 2014-present day.
Monday, January 29, 2018
Carolyn Anderson, my dear Grandmother's birthday (video:17:47)
Great advice, wisdom, and discussion between two of my dear family members.
Friday, January 12, 2018
New Year, specific new goals, but same one desire! Two-thousand and eighteen.
I am excited by the way God has ordained anyone reading this to live this long into the year 2018 (possibly further if you are reading this at a later year and the whole "internet" fad hasn't ended haha).
I love January 1st. I find it highly fun that everything I do that day is the first time I've done it all year, I love the "I haven't seen you since last year"jokes my local friends and family exchange. Lots of fun and lots of puns. Of which I love both of those things.
For many, it's obviously time to start afresh, to set their eyes on achievements they desire to accomplish, and a time to tuck away the ones they didn't succeed into the extent they had wished for the previous year. Our American culture often views the turning of a New Year as a reset button to cleanse all the past mistakes of last year, in hope of just getting past those and looking forward to new beginnings. This is a magical, sentimental and blissful thought. It is also can be extremely dangerous.
Because it's a lie. A great many problems we had last year, like debt, failed classes, or the greatest crushing burden of all, the multitude of sins against God who is Holy and good, these weighty issues don't mystically disappear because from 11:59pm one December 31st to January 1st 12:00am. I sense that many people see me as a pessimist or a party pooper because I believe truth should be believed in real life. Such as situations like this. Some might think "can't you just let us have this one? It gives us a spark of hope, even if it isn't real, it helps us"
My response is no. I won't let you have this one. This fake hope is meaningless. Sometimes it may seem I lack compassion due to this mindset however, it is quite the opposite intentions for speaking up knowing I will get backlash. It because of my immense love and genuine compassion for the people in this world, that I post (primarily on facebook up to date) about treacherous traditions, harmful self-hope philosophies, the so popular charlatans who claim to be Christian preachers, teachers, bands or even holistic practices (that deceive many with false promises to closeness to God through extra-Biblical means).
I speak up in order to magnify and passionately point back to the one source of truth we can absolutely bank on. The Bible itself. "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."-Psalm 119:105-106
I am not only not a pessimist, but I am a joyful believer in hope. But I want the real hope, not the parody of it.
I believe in hope but He has a name not a date of the year. There is real hope! He is glorious and His name is Jesus. I am just one of many weak and simple-minded guides on this planet that deeply long for you to know God. How? Through the reading of, studying, and listening to sound teachers of the Bible. Through earnest prayer. Through meeting weekly with His Body and Bride; the Church.
We want for you to be given the gift from God through knowing God, the 2nd gift of loving God. And we want you to obey God out of the joy and desires of your heart.
One of my New Year's resolutions is to exhibit better that my love for theo (meaning God) ology (the study of) has not made me cold or uncaring. But as someone once recently said I am "seriously joyful and joyfully serious"! That is who I am by God's grace. I struggle daily and consistently but He is with me, and I want people to see, read, hear and watch the fact that "the things of this Earth grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace." is what is welling up inside of me right now.
And I am compelled to share that. Pray for me to convey that love for God that only comes from Biblical theology and extends to the people in the world around me
2018 is a year to live for my friends!
Literally and metaphorically. Literally as in many of us will reach December 31st of the upcoming year alive. Metaphorically, as in, to the fullest. If that means setting resolutions for some if that means being kinder to others, or perhaps being more accessible to people and intentional about teaching them what Jesus did then that is all great!
Seeking joy in small things, having genuine compassion towards everyone no matter what, and to know, love, and obey God above all pursuits and passions. To live as a "human-doing" rather than a mere human being.
Let's live this year to Do Hard Things to the glory of God in all nations.
THE SAME ONE DESIRE: God and His Glory among all nations.
Soli Deo Gloria!
I love January 1st. I find it highly fun that everything I do that day is the first time I've done it all year, I love the "I haven't seen you since last year"jokes my local friends and family exchange. Lots of fun and lots of puns. Of which I love both of those things.
For many, it's obviously time to start afresh, to set their eyes on achievements they desire to accomplish, and a time to tuck away the ones they didn't succeed into the extent they had wished for the previous year. Our American culture often views the turning of a New Year as a reset button to cleanse all the past mistakes of last year, in hope of just getting past those and looking forward to new beginnings. This is a magical, sentimental and blissful thought. It is also can be extremely dangerous.
Because it's a lie. A great many problems we had last year, like debt, failed classes, or the greatest crushing burden of all, the multitude of sins against God who is Holy and good, these weighty issues don't mystically disappear because from 11:59pm one December 31st to January 1st 12:00am. I sense that many people see me as a pessimist or a party pooper because I believe truth should be believed in real life. Such as situations like this. Some might think "can't you just let us have this one? It gives us a spark of hope, even if it isn't real, it helps us"
My response is no. I won't let you have this one. This fake hope is meaningless. Sometimes it may seem I lack compassion due to this mindset however, it is quite the opposite intentions for speaking up knowing I will get backlash. It because of my immense love and genuine compassion for the people in this world, that I post (primarily on facebook up to date) about treacherous traditions, harmful self-hope philosophies, the so popular charlatans who claim to be Christian preachers, teachers, bands or even holistic practices (that deceive many with false promises to closeness to God through extra-Biblical means).
I speak up in order to magnify and passionately point back to the one source of truth we can absolutely bank on. The Bible itself. "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."-Psalm 119:105-106
I am not only not a pessimist, but I am a joyful believer in hope. But I want the real hope, not the parody of it.
I believe in hope but He has a name not a date of the year. There is real hope! He is glorious and His name is Jesus. I am just one of many weak and simple-minded guides on this planet that deeply long for you to know God. How? Through the reading of, studying, and listening to sound teachers of the Bible. Through earnest prayer. Through meeting weekly with His Body and Bride; the Church.
We want for you to be given the gift from God through knowing God, the 2nd gift of loving God. And we want you to obey God out of the joy and desires of your heart.
One of my New Year's resolutions is to exhibit better that my love for theo (meaning God) ology (the study of) has not made me cold or uncaring. But as someone once recently said I am "seriously joyful and joyfully serious"! That is who I am by God's grace. I struggle daily and consistently but He is with me, and I want people to see, read, hear and watch the fact that "the things of this Earth grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace." is what is welling up inside of me right now.
And I am compelled to share that. Pray for me to convey that love for God that only comes from Biblical theology and extends to the people in the world around me
2018 is a year to live for my friends!
Literally and metaphorically. Literally as in many of us will reach December 31st of the upcoming year alive. Metaphorically, as in, to the fullest. If that means setting resolutions for some if that means being kinder to others, or perhaps being more accessible to people and intentional about teaching them what Jesus did then that is all great!
Seeking joy in small things, having genuine compassion towards everyone no matter what, and to know, love, and obey God above all pursuits and passions. To live as a "human-doing" rather than a mere human being.
Let's live this year to Do Hard Things to the glory of God in all nations.
THE SAME ONE DESIRE: God and His Glory among all nations.
Soli Deo Gloria!
"May God be gracious to us and bless us
and make his face to shine upon us, Selah
2 that your way may be known on earth,
your saving power among all nations.
3 Let the peoples praise you, O God;
let all the peoples praise you!
and make his face to shine upon us, Selah
2 that your way may be known on earth,
your saving power among all nations.
3 Let the peoples praise you, O God;
let all the peoples praise you!
4 Let the nations be glad and sing for joy,
for you judge the peoples with equity
and guide the nations upon earth. Selah
5 Let the peoples praise you, O God;
let all the peoples praise you!
for you judge the peoples with equity
and guide the nations upon earth. Selah
5 Let the peoples praise you, O God;
let all the peoples praise you!
6 The earth has yielded its increase;
God, our God, shall bless us.
7 God shall bless us;
let all the ends of the earth fear him!
God, our God, shall bless us.
7 God shall bless us;
let all the ends of the earth fear him!
Psalm 67English Standard Version (ESV)
Thursday, January 4, 2018
Baptists, baptizing Believers, boldly and "baptistly" (but not babies).
NOTICE: Just this week I have had two different men from two different denominations or belief systems, ask me about my thoughts/reached out to discuss God's plan and command for the Matthew 28:19-20. So I thought I would simply get the ball rolling here as I prepare to discuss the similarities and differences in our understanding of God's Holy Word. This is not to stir division but to seek truth genuinely and humbly.
I believe that the Bible clearly states the fact that baptism happens after Salvation has taken place. In order for Salvation to take place one must hear the Word of God preached and as God calls evil men and women to Himself, convicts these rebels of their sins, and by His Grace alone saves sinners when He ultimately converts them to Himself. What role do we play in our Salvation? We are the sinners. It is He that is the Savior! Jesus came telling all to Repent and Believe the Gospel, the wrath that He took on the cross was for evil slimy-souled sinners who deserved Hell the day they were born.
Once God allows us to humble ourselves and admit desperation and need for Jesus and we truly are born-again, then we are a part of the global and eternal church! Right then. At the moment of sincere confession of sins before an all righteous God, we who are unrighteous
"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,
nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. - 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 English Standard Version
Did you catch verse 1️⃣1️⃣? Because we can now become righteous due to the penal substitutionary atonement of Christ alone?? Hallelujah. Sinners can be saved. Not one sinner deserves a beautiful loving relationship with the God of all Creation. What does mankind deserve, rather fine-tuned specifically to, what do sinners (Romans 3:23) deserve?
This is a horrifying reality for all of us. We have earned this, it's our wages for working day in and day out, with every bad attitude, every sinful sexual thought, deed or condoning of others doing the same. With the list above in Romans, it is clear that we are all not fine, but in grave trouble...apart from (I just love that phrase, "apart from") Jesus; the substitute for us.
In my personal opinion, the most concise and pointed sermon on the doctrine of baptism is from the current (2018) IMB President, Dr. David Platt. An expositional preacher and my personal favorite teacher of the Word who is alive today. take some time to listen, download the sermon notes, and consider if the Word is being explained correctly.
I have dear friends and brothers in the faith who have slightly different views on whether it should be Credo-baptism (which is the Southern Baptist's believe and adhere to) as well as dear Brothers in the Faith who disagree with me and support Paedobaptism , yet in spite of this particular disagreement, I trust them with my life and we agree on the essential primary doctrines that make it orthodox Christianity.
But enough of this talking, please take a moment and watch this video sermon and pray that God would open your eyes to the truth and that we can all agree that Baptism is an act of obedience for those who follow Jesus! May we prayerfully, passionately, and proactively seek, in this order, to know, to love and to obey God with all we have.
Let me know in the comments what you think about this post and the sermon. But don't comment on the sermon unless you've watched it all the way through. SO we can have intelligent and informed discussions. Also, post your favorite sermons or articles below that are Baptism related. Be cordial, and let's lovingly, genuinely, and truthfully make attempts to find truth from the Holy flawless Scripture of revealed by God, the Bible itself.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Zack Anderson
Charles Haddon Spurgeon Meme (source unknown) June 19, 1834, ~ January 31, 1892, |
I believe that the Bible clearly states the fact that baptism happens after Salvation has taken place. In order for Salvation to take place one must hear the Word of God preached and as God calls evil men and women to Himself, convicts these rebels of their sins, and by His Grace alone saves sinners when He ultimately converts them to Himself. What role do we play in our Salvation? We are the sinners. It is He that is the Savior! Jesus came telling all to Repent and Believe the Gospel, the wrath that He took on the cross was for evil slimy-souled sinners who deserved Hell the day they were born.
Once God allows us to humble ourselves and admit desperation and need for Jesus and we truly are born-again, then we are a part of the global and eternal church! Right then. At the moment of sincere confession of sins before an all righteous God, we who are unrighteous
"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,
nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. - 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 English Standard Version
Did you catch verse 1️⃣1️⃣? Because we can now become righteous due to the penal substitutionary atonement of Christ alone?? Hallelujah. Sinners can be saved. Not one sinner deserves a beautiful loving relationship with the God of all Creation. What does mankind deserve, rather fine-tuned specifically to, what do sinners (Romans 3:23) deserve?
This is a horrifying reality for all of us. We have earned this, it's our wages for working day in and day out, with every bad attitude, every sinful sexual thought, deed or condoning of others doing the same. With the list above in Romans, it is clear that we are all not fine, but in grave trouble...apart from (I just love that phrase, "apart from") Jesus; the substitute for us.
In my personal opinion, the most concise and pointed sermon on the doctrine of baptism is from the current (2018) IMB President, Dr. David Platt. An expositional preacher and my personal favorite teacher of the Word who is alive today. take some time to listen, download the sermon notes, and consider if the Word is being explained correctly.
I have dear friends and brothers in the faith who have slightly different views on whether it should be Credo-baptism (which is the Southern Baptist's believe and adhere to) as well as dear Brothers in the Faith who disagree with me and support Paedobaptism , yet in spite of this particular disagreement, I trust them with my life and we agree on the essential primary doctrines that make it orthodox Christianity.
But enough of this talking, please take a moment and watch this video sermon and pray that God would open your eyes to the truth and that we can all agree that Baptism is an act of obedience for those who follow Jesus! May we prayerfully, passionately, and proactively seek, in this order, to know, to love and to obey God with all we have.
For resources links below are copyrighted by and I own none of it.
Let me know in the comments what you think about this post and the sermon. But don't comment on the sermon unless you've watched it all the way through. SO we can have intelligent and informed discussions. Also, post your favorite sermons or articles below that are Baptism related. Be cordial, and let's lovingly, genuinely, and truthfully make attempts to find truth from the Holy flawless Scripture of revealed by God, the Bible itself.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Zack Anderson
Monday, December 25, 2017
Why I wear African attire to church.
Christmas, The Cross, and my Kinte apparel.
The following was written on Christmas Eve night and published on Christmas Day.
I wore my African dress shirt today, it's called a "Kinte". I am publicly thanking the dear family that brought this as a gift to me last year before my surgery. Earlier this year, starting at Easter, I have begun a personal "attire tradition". For every holiday that the local church I am a member of gathers together, I plan on wearing this colorful shirt.
Not in order to draw atteantion to myself, which it certainly does, but to tell people who ask me about it, the story of the kindess of the family that brought this to me from Liberia. (side note: I really want to visit there one day!)
That shirt reminds me of so much. For example, just for starters it brings to mind my blessed friendship with the family at my church that gave the shirt to me, the undeniable fact that the church is a dear gift in my life
just as the shirt was a gift, it causes my brain to recall the fantastic work God is doing through Calvary Love Ministries International
Inc. and in turn all foreign missionary work in this world that is full
of sinners that have yet to have been told
the good news, and thankful for the workers who go primarily for the zeal
of God's glory. So yeah, it's a big deal :)
For those who don't know I had a pretty intense surgery in Feb 2017, and so the first Sunday I was capable of attending a church service was of all days, Resurrection Sunday (also known as Easter)! Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ not just every single Sunday but, all seven days of the week, 365 days.
Easter Sunday is a time where we specifically and elaborately magnify our risen Savior, the King of Glory Himself, Jesus the Christ through singing songs, preaching the Word of God to the people of God for the glory of God in all nations.
For those who don't know I had a pretty intense surgery in Feb 2017, and so the first Sunday I was capable of attending a church service was of all days, Resurrection Sunday (also known as Easter)! Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ not just every single Sunday but, all seven days of the week, 365 days.
Easter Sunday is a time where we specifically and elaborately magnify our risen Savior, the King of Glory Himself, Jesus the Christ through singing songs, preaching the Word of God to the people of God for the glory of God in all nations.
But after my life-saving
surgery (this was actually a critical procedure for me to have since my colon was
killing me due to the intensity of the Crohn's Disease) this was the day, the day intentionally set aside to remember and
recount this historical account of God raising Himself from the dead, defeating death, sin, and Satan once and for good, that I was blessed enough to
attend my local body of believers! How appropriate. Well back to the Kinte shirt,
this is what I wore that day as it was a gift from my Church family who has a
ministry in Liberia. This gift was undeserved and unearned just as God's gift
of Salvation. I was simply humbled and thankful to God first for real friends
and more than that they are my eternal family through Christ Jesus our Lord.
So fast forward to
today, I couldn't sleep last night so I went ahead and got ready to go to
church this morning on Christmas Eve 2017. Observing the gift of Jesus'
birth at church doesn't stop with the glorious historical account given in Luke 2 at the manger with Shepard's gathered
round and a full Inn with a virgin given birth. No, we must see that even the
Christmas story is about not only the birth but also the life, ministry,
crucifixion, death and resurrection and finally the Ascension into Heaven where
Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father until the day where Christ returns
to judge the just and the unjust and set up His kingdom of Heaven which will
never end!
You see if we fast forward through the book of Luke to chapter 24 just right after the Resurrection of Jesus we find Him walking with two downtrodden disciples who do not know Jesus is back from the grave! We see a most remarkable truth here that the rest of Scripture rests upon and all sound doctrine and theology is needed for, from these words of God penned by Dr. Luke in Chapter 24 verses 25-27:
25 And
he said to them, "O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that
the prophets have spoken!
26 Was
it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his
27 And
beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the
Scriptures the things concerning himself. - Luke 24:25-27
Did you catch that?? In
verse 27, Jesus is explaining that all of the Bible is about Jesus and in the
previous verses reminds them of the prophecy that was given in their own Old
Testament Scriptures about the coming Messiah's necessity to suffer and then
explained from their Scriptures how Jesus as in fact the very One promised to
mankind, sinners, way back in Genesis 3:15.
[3 above pics are cross references from Luke 24 to just some of the many many foretellings of Jesus,-Screen Shots off my phone of the The ESV Bible App]
Just as all of the Bible
is about Jesus, so should be our gatherings as churches, our jobs and career worlds, relationships with our families
etc. All of our lives should be about knowing, loving, and obeying Jesus. For He is the God of all glory and deserving of eternal praise from every single person who has lived on this ol' Earth. He is
not merely the reason for holiday seasons, He is the reason anything exists.
That makes our lives being spent for His glory worth it. Jesus chose to become a human, to glorify God and because we are all sinners deserving God's eternal wrath in Hell forever. I pray that this year
we remember that Jesus was born, fulfilling all of the Old Testament
prophesies, in order to die in the place of sinners. We have sinned against an infinite all-powerful, Triune God, and
our offenses warrant infinite punishment as we are all children of wrath.
Yet Jesus' first
words ("repent" Mark 1:15) during His 3 yrs of ministry on earth was a phrase of the hope of redemption,
the hope of escaping the eternal Hell-fire of God, and most importantly even though in our
sin nature we are born against this idea, He spoke words of Hope to reconcile us to a relationship of good standing with the most gracious God over the
You see, the reality of the virgin birth, the sheperds seeing angels announcing the coming of the King, and the entire Christmas narrative should
lead us all to see a glaring difference between who we are and who the perfect God incarnate, Jesus is. He
is perfect. We are sinful. Yet He took the cross and worse on Him still the
Wrath of God was poured out violently on His son to pay the wages (Romans 3:23)
sinners have gained every day of our
In Dr. Luke's second
letter, Acts, he describes the Apostle Peter's sermon on this eternally important
topic to a very large group of people and when the crowd saw the immense sin in
their hearts, actions, and lives they replied,
when they heard this they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest
of the apostles, "Brothers, what shall we do?" - Acts 2:37
Maybe that's you right
now. You know God is holy, you have seen in the Bible that He came to seek and
to save that which is lost. Maybe you realize you are that "lost"
person referred to.
Then I implore you to do
exactly what Jesus said in His first words of ministry and what Peter replied
in Acts 2. They both said to Repent!
So sincerely repent of
your sins, die to your selfishness,
humble yourself and believe on the Lord
Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins! If you do this with true
humility and in awe of God, confessing your sins and admitting your sin is unrepairable apart from Jesus, then according to Scripture you will be saved.
A prayer for my readers:
"Lord, I pray that
you might use this post with the truth of the Bible preached to call, convict,
and convert sinners to Yourself through the power of Your Holy Spirit, amen".
Solo Deo Gloria,
Zack Anderson
⟹The picture is Zack captured in his natural habitat, moments before going to town and attending the 10:30am Christmas Eve Church service on 12/24/2017!⟸
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