Thursday, January 4, 2018

Baptists, baptizing Believers, boldly and "baptistly" (but not babies).

NOTICE: Just this week I have had two different men from two different denominations or belief systems, ask me about my thoughts/reached out to discuss God's plan and command for the Matthew 28:19-20. So I thought I would simply get the ball rolling here as I prepare to discuss the similarities and differences in our understanding of God's Holy Word. This is not to stir division but to seek truth genuinely and humbly.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon Meme (source unknown)
June 19, 1834, ~ January 31, 1892,

I believe that the Bible clearly states the fact that baptism happens after Salvation has taken place. In order for Salvation to take place one must hear the Word of God preached and as God calls evil men and women to Himself, convicts these rebels of their sins, and by His Grace alone saves sinners when He ultimately converts them to Himself. What role do we play in our Salvation? We are the sinners.  It is He that is the Savior! Jesus came telling all to Repent and Believe the Gospel, the wrath that He took on the cross was for evil slimy-souled sinners who deserved Hell the day they were born.
Once God allows us to humble ourselves and admit desperation and need for Jesus and we truly are born-again, then we are a part of the global and eternal church! Right then. At the moment of sincere confession of sins before an all righteous God, we who are unrighteous

"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,
nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. - 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 English Standard Version

Did you catch verse 1️⃣1️⃣? Because we can now become righteous due to the penal substitutionary atonement of Christ alone?? Hallelujah. Sinners can be saved. Not one sinner deserves a beautiful loving relationship with the God of all Creation.  What does mankind deserve, rather fine-tuned specifically to, what do sinners (Romans 3:23) deserve?



This is a horrifying reality for all of us. We have earned this, it's our wages for working day in and day out, with every bad attitude, every sinful sexual thought, deed or condoning of others doing the same. With the list above in Romans, it is clear that we are all not fine, but in grave trouble...apart from (I just love that phrase, "apart from") Jesus; the substitute for us.

 In my personal opinion, the most concise and pointed sermon on the doctrine of baptism is from the current (2018) IMB President, Dr. David Platt. An expositional preacher and my personal favorite teacher of the Word who is alive today. take some time to listen, download the sermon notes, and consider if the Word is being explained correctly.

I have dear friends and brothers in the faith who have slightly different views on whether it should be Credo-baptism (which is the Southern Baptist's believe and adhere to) as well as dear Brothers in the Faith who disagree with me and supporPaedobaptism , yet in spite of this particular disagreement, I trust them with my life and we agree on the essential primary doctrines that make it orthodox Christianity.

But enough of this talking, please take a moment and watch this video sermon and pray that God would open your eyes to the truth and that we can all agree that Baptism is an act of obedience for those who follow Jesus! May we prayerfully, passionately, and proactively seek, in this order, to know, to love and to obey God with all we have.

For resources links below are copyrighted by and I own none of it. 




 Downloads 1 languages

 David Platt. Copyright David Platt. Used by permission. Website:

Let me know in the comments what you think about this post and the sermon. But don't comment on the sermon unless you've watched it all the way through. SO we can have intelligent and informed discussions. Also, post your favorite sermons or articles below that are Baptism related. Be cordial, and let's lovingly, genuinely, and truthfully make attempts to find truth from the Holy flawless Scripture of revealed by God, the Bible itself.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Zack Anderson

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