Above is a short sermon I had the privilege to preach twice while in Haiti in 2015. First to the children for a Vacation Bible School-style bible study and then again for the local men who had gathered outside of the building where this particular church met every Sunday.
The story I told was the historical account of David and the large enemy known as Goliath. The story is not the first time David is mentioned but it was a turning point in the boy's life. In the video, I briefly recap all of 1st Samuel Chapter 17.
1. We taught stories from the old testament about God’s deliverance of his people in the account of David and Goliath. Each day we made clear that the Bible stories we were telling were actual historical events and not fantasy. We also stressed the Biblical truth that all of the Bible is about Jesus.And that is a good reminder for us here today. Who is the hero of the Old Testament? Jesus is. David knew this! He gave credit for the win to God. You see God is the hero, not David. God delivered Israel that day! Not David. Now David was obedient, but it is a dangerous fallacy to think that God needed David to accomplish this. God doesn’t need us. Right? He chooses to use us, but not because he is in need in any way whatsoever.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the point of all the Bible and if that is true then the Gospel should be what every sermon points to.
Every day after the first day I asked the following questions, first, "do yall remember what we talked about from the Holy Bible yesterday?" and second "do yall remember who the main Character of the story was?" Jesus is the ultimate answer to the question every time we ask that and they did recall it!