About the author...

Zack Anderson is a wretched sinner apart from Jesus. Zack was saved by God’s grace at the age of twelve and while he is still a man who sins daily, through the power of the Holy Spirit, he is continually repentant and has dedicated his feeble and fleeting life to making disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:16-20; Eph 6:19-20). He has a passion to see the local churches of the world to trust God and the Bible in all manors, which includes preaching the Gospel and caring for physical needs. In addition, he has a zeal for equipping and encouraging Christians through the preaching and obedience of the Bible. Zack’s prayer is the proclamation of Jesus’ Name and the genuine worship of God would be correctly viewed as the Church’s primary purpose and goal among all the nations for the glory of God. You can read more from Zack Anderson by reading and subscribing by email to his blog, 

His writing has been featured in a recent blog series and two published books comprised of many authors:

  Featured guest post at https://frommyautisticheart.com/2017/11/25/gods-amazing-gracezach-anderson/

Books on Amazon

1.Start Here: Doing Hard Things Right Where You Are.
2.The Fire Between the Pages: The Dreams You are Igniting.

Hey youth pastors! Looking for a group of other youth pastors that struggle with daily activities that involve staring at the wall, playing solitaire, checking Facebook and never ever doing any work? This is the place for you. Let's face it "everyone" knows that you never work. Join us and share your struggles and maybe plan a D-now or something.

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High Attendance Easter service.

Dear Christians, may we proclaim truth from God and not pollute our churches and lives with traditions of man. May we not try to attract att...
