Saturday, March 31, 2018

High Attendance Easter service.

Dear Christians, may we proclaim truth from God and not pollute our churches and lives with traditions of man. May we not try to attract attention to ourselves rather than following the Truth found in John 3:30.

May we stop with the branding of our churches, the competing with other Gospel-teaching churches, and not be obsessed with marketing for Easter Sunday rather we should trust in the Maker of Heaven and Earth.

Yes we invite people to a church gathering to hear the Gospel. It is vitally important for them to hear the good news of Jesus Christ! But seeing churches compete for the biggest crowds is nauseating.

God grows His church in His providence and we are responsible to introduce the lost to Jesus as Christians.

May we not see the amount of people on a check list as good for our pride but value the souls in the chairs tomorrow morning.
I recently, hopefully encouraged the local leaders of the church I am a member of with this message
"I firmly believe that, based off the Bible, God wants His people debt-free. So may God use and multiply our church's debt-free resources that we have prayed for, to focus on local and global evangelism, discipleship, and worship.  I love and pray for you dear leaders of our church to live a life devoted to knowing, loving, and obeying God in all your ways."

This Sunday's "success" is not dependent on our obedience and the sovereign good Will of God, but those two things ARE the success we pursue. I love you Brothers dearly, Grace and Peace be with you. Matthew 5:16;28:16-20

Soli Deo Gloria.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Don't go to Church tomorrow. (Part 1 of Church misconceptions)

I will start by saying that based on the entire New Testament every believer should be a committed member of a local Church body of a Bible-preaching, Gospel, and God-loving people, and then attend as regularly as they can. Yes, including tomorrow.

Here is something that may be a surprise to many there is NO COMMAND or even mild instructions from God in the New Testament to build, renovate, or purchase any buildings for the church. Check it out, read the New Testament and do a word search for the times the New Testament refers to buildings.

Here are a few verses that might help explain the primary content of this blog.

For we are God's fellow workers. You are God's field, God's building. - 1 Corinthians 3:9

For we know that if the tent that is our earthly home is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. - 2 Corinthians 5:1

But check the Word of God, under the NT covenant, a certain building or inviting lost people to Jesus Christ is strictly not mentioned and never prescribed.

I believe it is entirely unnecessary for Americans to ever renovate, and even in some situations build a new place at all as the church for the reason of making it seeker-sensitive, more inviting, or easy on the eyes.

 If a church already owns a building, it is vitality important to have everything up to codes by law and safe in all ways for the Church (remember the people), that attend the building, to meet as commanded.

TBH (a way cool kids say to be Honest) the word "renovation" makes me cringe. I physically tense up when it is brought up in this context.

Especially since we build these big buildings bigger and more resource-draining constantly when there are people at this very minute starving to death all over the world, hideously malnourished and should be of greater priority. We must see, that the Bible DOES in fact COMMAND the church to look after the orphans, widows, poor, sick and the weak.
 "The church of Jesus is concerned with all suffering, especially eternal suffering."-John Piper 

 Since God has commanded the saints to work hard and help where we can, the Church people in part meet every week to encourage and equip each other to do everything in our power to alleviate these dear unsaved souls(which is simply by making disciples of all nations) and their body's temporary yet tragic, suffering that happens all the time.

So don't go to Church tomorrow, but absolutely go to wherever the local church you are a serving at, gathers to worship in your community.

Consider the following: Hebrews 10:23-25

Hebrews 10:23-25 English Standard Version (ESV)

23 "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."

If you believe I am wrong (which I often am, very often, unfortunately, I'd like a "chapter and verse" dear brothers and sisters.) let me know with love and gentleness please, for that pleases the Lord, in the comments. Subscribe for assurance of being notified of when my next "Church Misceptions" posts and other topical posts of this nature comes out.

High Attendance Easter service.

Dear Christians, may we proclaim truth from God and not pollute our churches and lives with traditions of man. May we not try to attract att...
