Friday, January 12, 2018

New Year, specific new goals, but same one desire! Two-thousand and eighteen.

 I am excited by the way God has ordained anyone reading this to live this long into the year 2018 (possibly further if you are reading this at a later year and the whole "internet" fad hasn't ended haha).

I love January 1st. I find it highly fun that everything I do that day is the first time I've done it all year, I love the "I haven't seen you since last year"jokes my local friends and family exchange. Lots of fun and lots of puns. Of which I love both of those things.

For many, it's obviously time to start afresh, to set their eyes on achievements they desire to accomplish, and a time to tuck away the ones they didn't succeed into the extent they had wished for the previous year. Our American culture often views the turning of a New Year as a reset button to cleanse all the past mistakes of last year, in hope of just getting past those and looking forward to new beginnings. This is a magical, sentimental and blissful thought. It is also can be extremely dangerous.

Because it's a lie. A great many problems we had last year, like debt, failed classes, or the greatest crushing burden of all, the multitude of sins against God who is Holy and good, these weighty issues  don't mystically disappear because from 11:59pm one December 31st to January 1st 12:00am. I sense that many people see me as a pessimist or a party pooper because I believe truth should be believed in real life. Such as situations like this. Some might think "can't you just let us have this one? It gives us a spark of hope, even if it isn't real, it helps us"

My response is no. I won't let you have this one. This fake hope is meaningless. Sometimes it may seem I lack compassion due to this mindset however, it is quite the opposite intentions for speaking up knowing I will get backlash. It because of my immense love and genuine compassion for the people in this world, that I post (primarily on facebook up to date) about treacherous traditions,  harmful self-hope philosophies, the so popular charlatans who claim to be Christian preachers, teachers, bands or even holistic practices (that deceive many with false promises to closeness to God through extra-Biblical means).

 I speak up in order to magnify and passionately point back to the one source of truth we can absolutely bank on. The Bible itself. "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."-Psalm 119:105-106 

  I am not only not a pessimist, but I am a joyful believer in hope. But I want the real hope, not the parody of it.

I believe in hope but He has a name not a date of the year. There is real hope! He is glorious and His name is Jesus. I am just one of many weak and simple-minded guides on this planet that deeply long for you to know God. How? Through the reading of, studying, and listening to sound teachers of the Bible. Through earnest prayer. Through meeting weekly with His Body and Bride; the Church.
We want for you to be given the gift from God through knowing God, the 2nd gift of loving God. And we want you to obey God out of the joy and desires of your heart. 

One of my New Year's resolutions is to exhibit better that my love for theo (meaning God) ology (the study of) has not made me cold or uncaring. But as someone once recently said I am "seriously joyful and joyfully serious"!  That is who I am by God's grace. I struggle daily and consistently but He is with me, and I want people to see, read, hear and watch the fact that "the things of this Earth grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace." is what is welling up inside of me right now.

And I am compelled to share that. Pray for me to convey that love for God that only comes from Biblical theology and extends to the people in the world around me

2018 is a year to live for my friends!

 Literally and metaphorically. Literally as in many of us will reach December 31st of the upcoming year alive.  Metaphorically, as in, to the fullest. If that means setting resolutions for some if that means being kinder to others, or perhaps being more accessible to people and intentional about teaching them what Jesus did then that is all great!

Seeking joy in small things, having genuine compassion towards everyone no matter what, and to know, love, and obey God above all pursuits and passions. To live as a "human-doing" rather than a mere human being.

Let's live this year to Do Hard Things to the glory of God in all nations.

THE SAME ONE DESIRE: God and His Glory among all nations.
Soli Deo Gloria!

"May God be gracious to us and bless us
    and make his face to shine upon us, Selah
that your way may be known on earth,
    your saving power among all nations.
Let the peoples praise you, O God;
    let all the peoples praise you!
Let the nations be glad and sing for joy,
    for you judge the peoples with equity
    and guide the nations upon earth. Selah
Let the peoples praise you, O God;
    let all the peoples praise you!
The earth has yielded its increase;
    God, our God, shall bless us.
God shall bless us;
    let all the ends of the earth fear him!

Psalm 67English Standard Version (ESV)

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